Take A Little Extra Time To Determine If You Need A Building Permit
With the arrival of warm weather, some of us find ourselves charging the cordless drill and dusting off the tools. So many outdoor projects, so little time! Taking just a little extra time to determine if you require a permit for your project could save you a great deal of stress, expense, and hassle down the road. There are times, when a home inspection will reveal issues requiring immediate remedy. Often, these problems could have been prevented by the homeowner obtaining a building permit at the time of construction.
Often a permit IS required for:
- detached garage, shed or accessory structure
- decks, pools and fences
- finishing a basement, removing load bearing walls
- additions to a building, sun rooms
- solar panels
- heritage alterations
Often NO permit is required for:
- installing new shingles on an existing roof
- removing a non load-bearing wall
- door and window replacements (within existing opening)
- water softener, gas fireplace installations
In order to comply with building codes in your city of residence, we advise that you contact your Building Standards dept. to determine the requirements for your specific project project.